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  • Student Wellness

    Student Wellness services are available on the Edison State Piqua campus. The program is dedicated to providing resources that promote healthy lifestyle choices for our students, faculty and staff.

    Confidentiality  The strictest confidentiality is maintained in all wellness services offered to students, faculty and staff.

  • Because health is vital to academic and professional success, Edison State encourages participation in wellness activities. Our goal is to assist all individuals on campus in adopting lifestyle behaviors that will allow them to live, work and learn together in ways that optimize their health and well-being. This includes health education and promotion services related to college health issues, such as alcohol, drugs, sexual health, fitness, nutrition, disease prevention and stress. A broad range of offerings dealing with health and wellness are available on campus.

    Aerobics Classes
    Aerobics classes are offered at discounted rates for students, staff and faculty. Classes are offered throughout the year.

    Cancer Information Center
    Located in the Library, the Cancer Information Center provides information about cancer prevention and resources for patients with cancer and their loved ones.

    Duke Foundation Disc Golf Course
    An 18-hole disc golf course is located at the Piqua campus. 

    Fitness Center and Weight Room
    Use of the Fitness Center and Weight Room is free to students, staff and faculty.

    HealthWise Outdoor Fitness Center
    The Outdoor Fitness Center is a great alternative during the spring, summer and fall.

    LifeClinic Blood Pressure Kiosk
    Check your blood pressure anytime. Located in the North Hall Atrium.

    Volunteer Opportunities
    You can help other Edison State students make a difference in the community by participating as a Student Health Advisor or Peer Educator. Students who would like to get involved with health education or who have a passion or interest in a particular disease or wellness initiative, please contact Velina Bogart. There are many ways to participate, including conducting health surveys, organizing blood drives, developing or distributing health information on campus, assisting in health fairs and/or presenting programs to your peers. Past peer educators have organized suicide awareness events, sexual responsibility and alcohol awareness campaigns and self-defense classes.

    Wellness Education Classes
    HealthWise Wellness Services is able to bring a wide range of educational programs to any campus venue. Most of the programs can be tailored to the specific needs of the audience. Health issues cross all academic disciplines. A few of the topics available are sleep disorders, sexual health, personal preparedness, cancer prevention, alcohol awareness, end of life issue/living wills, eating disorders, nutrition and stress management. If there are other topics that would be of interest, contact Velina Bogart.

    Stories of Wellness
    Going hand-in-hand with Edison State's HealthWise Wellness, Fitness and Lifestyle Management initiative… Stories of Wellness are shared by the students and staff of Edison State Community College and are intended to inspire healthy habits. To share your personal story of wellness, email Velina Bogart, Coordinator of Student Wellness, or call 937.778.7854.

    Use of the Fitness Center and Weight Room is free to students, staff and faculty. Please follow rules and regulations posted in the Center.

    The following resources are provided to you for basic needs, medical needs and crisis assistance.

    DISCLAIMER   The following links are provided as reference, and are not intended to replace a visit to your health care provider. Edison State Community College is not responsible for information on websites other than our own. Remember that only your health care provider is qualified to give you medical advice.

    Darke County
    General Health District
    Programs and Services

    Miami County
    Public Health
    Human Services Directory and Index of Agencies

    Shelby County
    Health Department
    Quick Information and Resource Guide

    Mental Health Services and Crisis Information
    Information for Residents of Darke, Miami and Shelby Counties

    General Health Links
    After Hours Family Care
    Healthy Ohio
    Health Partners Free Clinic
    Become an Ex-Smoker
    Mayo Clinic First Aid
    Go Ask Alice!
    Planned Parenthood
    Are You Ready to Quit Smoking?
    Mayo Clinic
    Shape Up America!
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Women's Centers of Ohio

    Edison State Community College provides student health insurance through Transamerica Life Insurance Company, effective August 1 of each year. The insurance agent is E.J. Smith & Associates. Learn more and enroll online by clicking here and selecting Health Plans.

    The plan offers the following:

    • Three different plan levels
    • Available to full-time and part-time students (international students are not eligible at this time)
    • Coverage also available for spouse and children
    • Coverage and premiums can be purchased for a minimum of four months up to one year
    • You can enroll anytime during the academic year
    • No medical questions asked
    • Pregnancy is covered (treated as any other sickness)
    • Prescription Drug Discount Card provided at no charge
    • Optional Dental Coverage available for purchase without having to sign up for the student health insurance plan

    Students who have questions regarding the health insurance plan or the dental insurance plan should contact E.J. Smith & Associates at 847.564.3660.

    Edison State Community College, as an institution of higher education, is committed to maintaining an environment conducive to learning and to the development of the full potential of both students and employees. As such, it seeks to provide a climate free of the effects associated with the abuse of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs. The college accordingly, endorses and complies with the U.S. Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, Appendix C to 45 CFR Part 620, Subpart F-Certification Regarding Drug Free Workplace requirements and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-226).


    Edison State will make a good faith effort to provide a drug free campus by establishing a drug free awareness program that:

    A.   Makes it a requirement that each employee and/or student annually be given a copy of the Drug Free Campus and Workplace policy. New students or employees who are hired after the initial distribution for the year will also receive a copy.

    Distribution of Material

    a. Employees: This policy will be posted on Edison State's Human Resource web page. All new employees will be required to access the electronic copy during the orientation process. All current employees will be sent an electronic copy of this policy annually from the Human Resources Office at the beginning of the academic year.

    b. Students:   This policy will be distributed to all students electronically by the Department of Student Affairs at least once a year.

    c.   Business and Industry: This policy will be included in registration materials.

    B. A Biennial Review Committee will conduct, on even years, a biennial review of the Drug Free Campus and Workplace policy to determine its effectiveness and implement any necessary changes. Committee members consist of: Director of Student Financial Aid, Vice President of Strategic Human Resources and Director of Student Health Services.

    1. Standards of Conduct 

    By virtue of enrollment or employment at Edison State Community College, students and employees consent to follow the policies and procedures of Edison State Community College, set forth in the Student Handbook and Employee Policy Manual.

    Any and all alcoholic beverages for events must be approved by the Office of the President of Edison State Community College. There will be absolutely no bringing of alcohol on campus by event participants without prior written consent. In the event that alcohol is permitted for an event, the event sponsor must obtain a permit from the State of Ohio to serve alcohol.

    Unlawful possession, use, distribution, sale of alcohol or other drugs by any faculty, staff or student is prohibited on college property or as any part of college activities.

    Such unacceptable observable behavior by students and employees is subject to all state, county, and municipal laws, statutes, or ordinances regulating the sale and use of alcohol and the sale, use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia.

    2. Financial Aid 

    Students convicted of possessing and/or selling illegal drugs, on or off campus, during a time of enrollment and receiving financial aid, will become ineligible for federal aid for a period of time.

    Possession of Illegal Drugs: 1st offense | 1 year disqualification;
    2nd offense | 2 year disqualification;
    3rd offense | indefinite disqualification
    Sale of Illegal Drugs: 1st offense | 2 year disqualification;
    2nd offense | indefinite disqualification

    If conviction includes both possession and sale of illegal drugs, the length of disqualification will be for the longest period.

    Students may meet with a Financial Aid Counselor for more detailed information on ineligibility and regaining eligibility.

    3. Sanctions

    Edison State Community College reserves the right to warn, reprimand, suspend or dismiss any student or employee who violates the college conduct and discipline policy. Referral for legal prosecution in accordance with local, state and federal laws and regulations may also occur. The college's response will depend on the severity of the offense, number of previous offenses and extenuating circumstances. For students, all college judicial and appeals procedures will be followed except in rare cases when the possibility of imminent danger exists. Disciplinary sanctions may also include completion of an appropriate drug treatment program.

    4. Violations of the Drug Free Workplace Act 

    In accordance with the Drug Free Workplace Act, employees are required to notify the college of any criminal substance conviction for a violation occurring on campus, campus property or while using Edison State owned vehicles/equipment no later than 5 days after each conviction. Employees are to notify the college's Human Resources office.

    Edison State will notify the funding agency within 10 calendar days after receiving notice from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of conviction.

    Within 30 calendar days of receiving notice with respect to any employee who is convicted:

    a. Disciplinary action will be taken against the employee up to and including termination.

    b. Disciplinary action may require the employee to satisfactorily participate/complete in an approved substance abuse/rehabilitation program as a condition of his/her continued employment.

    5. Health Risks  

    The health consequences of alcohol and substance abuse are numerous and unpredictable. Short term risks include injuries related to automobile crashes, unwanted pregnancies, loss of employment, poor grades or work performance and financial problems. Long term risks include a variety of physical and mental health issues, including addiction and/or death.

    Symptoms of Addiction Include:
    Drinking or getting high for relief
    Increased tolerance
    Feeling guilt or remorse (as a result of behavior while under the influence)
    Negative attitudes or blaming others for problems
    Anxiety or depression
    Complaints from family/friends about drinking or drug use
    Decline in work performance
    Inability to remember what happened when drinking (blackouts)

    6. Resources for Students and Employees 

    A variety of resources exist for alcohol and other drug prevention, education and counseling.

    Toll-Free numbers for health information can be found here.

    Information can be found at the Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services

    For alcohol, drug, or other health related information, programs, or presentations available, call Student Health Services at 937.778.7840.

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