It all starts here.
leadership at edison state
From the top down.
We believe that Edison State allows people to dream and provides the opportunities for people to realize their dreams. While focusing on student success and completion, Edison State will remain an open-door institution that strives for both high academic standards and high rates of student retention and success. We instill trust and integrity and deliver an accessible, affordable, transferable education to promote economic development and diversity in Miami, Darke, Shelby counties and beyond.
Office of the President
Chris Spradlin
Chris Spradlin took on the leadership role of President of Edison State Community College in Piqua, Ohio, on January 3, 2023, after a unanimous vote of approval from the Edison State Board of Trustees.
Having previously served as the Executive Vice President and Provost at Edison State, Chris began his duties at the College in July of 2016. Some of his main accomplishments at Edison State have included an implementation of the Guided Pathways to Success model, the development of new academic programs such as Aviation and Veterinary Technology, and the opening of new campuses in Troy and Eaton, Ohio. Chris also serves as a member of the American Association of Community Colleges’ Commission on Structured Pathways, and he chairs Ohio’s Competency-based Education Steering Committee.
Prior to joining Edison State, Chris served as a Vice-President and Dean at Lake Michigan College and Cuyahoga Community College. He began his career in higher education in 2002 as an adjunct faculty member at Ivy Tech Community College in Fort Wayne, Indiana, advancing to a full-time faculty and Department Chair position there.
Chris grew up in Wheelersburg, Ohio and went on to complete a bachelor’s degree in History and a master’s degree in Religion. He is currently writing the dissertation for his doctorate degree in Education, and he resides in Troy, Ohio with his wife and two children.
Board of Trustees
(In aphabetical order by last name)
darke county
Tyeis Baker-Baumann
darke county
dr. philip E. dubbs
shelby county
doug L. fortkamp
Vice Chair
miami county
tami baird ganley
miami county
elizabeth S. gutmann
shelby county
gary V. heitmeyer
shelby county
dr. thomas p. milligan
miami county
james C. oda
President's Cabinet
(In aphabetical order by last name)
chris Spradlin, ma
chad beanblossom, m.ed
Vice President of Enrollment Management & Regional Campus Operations
Rick hanes, ed.d
Vice President of Advancement, Strategic Planning & Partnerships
Executive Director of The Edison Foundation
heather lanham
Executive Assistant to the President
Secretary for the Board of Trustees
miami county
elizabeth S. gutmann
shelby county
gary V. heitmeyer
shelby county
dr. thomas p. milligan
miami county
james C. oda
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