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  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    Current data as compiled and reported by the Institutional Research.  
    Desktop Users | Hover over bold text for item details.     Mobile Users | See footnotes for item details.

    KPI  Updated Reported As Actual % Goal %
    Retention Rate % As of 09/13/2016 15th Day Enrollment Report
    Fall to Fall Federal Cohort1 54% 55%
    Fall to Fall 15th Day Cohort2 42% 55%
    As of 02/01/2017 15th Day Enrollment Report
    Fall to Spring Federal Cohort3 82% 80%
    Fall to Spring 15th Day Cohort4 75% 80%
    Completion Rate % As of 09/16/2016 2013 Federal Cohort5 47% 55%
    Success Rate %6 As of Fall 2016 Final Reporting 88% 90%
    Satisfaction Rate As of May 2017 Employee 88% 95%
    Student 94% 95%

    1 2015 Federal Cohort (First-time, full-time, degree-seeking students) enrolled in Fall 2016.  
    2 2015 15th Day Cohort (enrolled on the 15th day of term) enrolled again in Fall 2016. Graduates are removed from denominator.  
    3 2016 Federal Cohort (First-time, full-time, degree-seeking students) enrolled again in Spring 2016.  
    4 2016 15th Day Cohort (enrolled on 15th day of term) enrolled again in Spring 2016. Graduates are removed from denominator.  
    5 2013 Federal Cohort completing or transferring within 3 years.  
    6 Outcome data as reported to HEI; College-level Success, defined as D or better.