Earn credit for previous coursework.
You may have credits.
Edison State Community College partners with multiple career-technical centers throughout the region to assist students in earning college credit for coursework completed through select Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Career-Tech approved programs.
Career-Tech Credit Timeline

Review types of Career-Tech credit.
Career-Tech Assurance Guides (CTAGs) are statewide agreements offered in commonly taught career-tech courses. College credit is earned by students who demonstrate proficiency in specific career-tech courses. Credits are documented through a statewide verification process (CTAV) and are posted mid-summer after high school graduation. Detailed information about the CTAG process can be found here.
Career-Tech Agreements are agreements set up between Edison State and high school career-tech programs. These agreements are a seamless pathway to college that avoid duplication of content. An Application for College Credit must be completed by the career-tech instructor, signed by the student and submitted to Edison State by May 1st. Current career-tech agreements and applications for credit can be found here.
Earn Career-Tech credit.
Each career-tech program and course has unique requirements to earn credit such as end of course assessments (WebXams), grades and credential requirements. Career-tech credits go through a verification process and credits are typically posted mid-summer following high school graduation.

Explore the post high-school transition.
SUBMIT AN APPLICATION Choose New Student as your student type.
MEET with your Career-Tech Instructor to confirm the courses for which you can earn credit and ensure that you are meeting ALL requirements for credit. The Career-Tech Credit Redemption Worksheet is a helpful tool to guide you through the process.
For Career-Tech Agreements, you must meet with your Career-Tech Instructor in the spring of your senior year to sign the Application for College Credit form. Your Career-Tech Instructor must submit the application and required documentation to Edison State's tech-prep coordinator by May 1st.
COMPLETE Edison State's Career-Tech Credit Retrieval Form process for requesting Career-Tech credit to be posted to your transcript.
Required information
Student Full Name
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
SSID Number (SSID number can be found on your high school transcript)
REGISTER Meet with your Career Pathways Advisor. Be sure to inform your advisor that you are a Career-Tech student. New Student Orientation will become available to students after their first course registration is completed.
Career-Tech Credit Worksheet
Download an informational Career-Tech Credit Worksheet to assist you through the credit redemption process.
Download worksheetCareer-Tech Credit Retrieval Form
Complete the online Career-Tech Credit Retrieval Form to request retrieval & posting of credit(s).
complete form